Vane Jung


Week #4406 September 2015

This week, I pushed myself a little harder in order to preserve more time for prototyping over the next two weeks.

I finished the wireframes on Saturday and then started on designs immediately. I still have a few more bits and screens remaining to design before the prototype step; hence, I will be rolling out more designs and completing some prototypes next week. Stay tuned, and see you next weekend.

Wireframing through the Saturday night

Wireframing through the Saturday night

It might be a little weird shot for some. I just wanted to show my Adobe Preview in action (next to my trackpad). It's a shame that they don't have an Android version yet.

Then started designing

Then started designing

Unlocked phone / No notifications

Unlocked phone / No notifications

Home / Notifications

Home / Notifications

More notification types

More notification types

Action buttons

Action buttons